
VVIP+++ The Rational Bible: Genesis by Dennis Prager

VVIP+++ The Rational Bible: Genesis by Dennis Prager

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The Rational Bible: GenesisDennis Prager

About the Author Dennis Prager, one of America's most respected thinkers, is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host and syndicated columnist. He has written four books, including the #1 bestseller Happiness Is a Serious Problem. He has lectured on all seven continents and may be contacted through his website, www.dennisprager.com. Read more

Regnery Faith (May 7, 2019)

The Rational Bible: Genesis by Dennis Prager

The Rational Bible: Genesis by Dennis Prager is Wow. I am a retired Hebrew teacher from a Christian Bible College. I have a B.A. in Jewish Studies, an M.A. in Old Testament and Hebrew and a PhD in Biblical Archaeology. I have a number of books traditionally published on Hebrew word studies. I have studied the Word of God in Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek for a minimum of three to four hours a day for the last 40 years. You would think this dusty old professor would not have anything new to learn. Wrong. Dennis Prager proves that the Word of God is a well that’s never runs dry and that the Jews are the chosen people of God to bring an understanding and knowledge of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob into this lost and needy world. Prager introduces knowledge and wisdom from Jewish literature that is untapped by the Christian community. The Jewish people are truly the guardians of the Biblical Hebrew as well as knowledge of the Old Testament. Christians get off your high horse and taste of the wisdom and knowledge that our Jewish brothers and sisters have to offer. If I find you in a book store looking to purchase one of my books I would tell you to first search out Prager’s commentary. Zechariah 8:23. This is what the Lord of host says: In those days ten people from all languages and nations shall grasp the robe of a Jewish man and say: “We will go with you for we have heard God is with you”. It is time for us Christians to grab hold of this “robe.”

The Rational Bible: Genesis by Dennis Prager is As with Volume 1 on Exodus, Mr. Prager provides a wealth of rational reasoning to answer all the why's you might have to God's nature and reasoning around why He did what He did. I can't wait till Volume 3. Mr. Prager, thank you for your courage in the fight of our lifetime.

The Rational Bible: Genesis by Dennis Prager is To be clear, I just received this volume yesterday, so this review is based on the first volume Exodus. While I find the language of the Bible to be beautifully written, it can be difficult to understand. This commentary takes the ideas and concepts and lays them out in clear and understandable form. Many of the concepts here are written in essay form that are hard to understand in Biblical text. This work has brought me closer to the wisdom of God, and for that I am grateful.

The Rational Bible: Genesis by Dennis Prager is Excellent